Other Transactions (OT) Training
10 Continuous Learning Points (CLPs)
DARPA's Contract Management Office will be holding comprehensive Other Transactions (OT) training on TBD. This training will provide a detailed overview of the history and evolution of this innovative and flexible authority as well specific sections covering common issues that arise during the planning, negotiation, and maintenance of an OT agreement. OT agreements are very different from traditional procurement contracts, grants or cooperative agreements and offer the possibility for negotiation in every aspect of the agreement. Program managers, especially those new to the government or to DARPA, would find the overview on the first day to be helpful, since it will discuss how the unique aspects of OTs can help plan programs differently and attract industry performers who might ordinarily avoid working with the federal government.
This training will be held virtually. Registration is required not later than TBD.
All are welcome to attend and any attendee is free to attend any portion or all of the training. In order to receive 10 CLPs, you must attend the entire training. Completion certificates will be issued on request only; please indicate your preference on the registration form. An eventlink will be sent to registered attendees prior to the event start.
Questions? Please contact the organizer at training_registration@darpa.mil.
& Recent OT Examples
Other Transactions under 10 U.S.C. §4021
Other Transactions under 10 U.S.C. §4022